
I’m a musician, writer, and comic artist. Welcome to my website.

The Band Amarillo

The Band Amarillo

Stock Photo Stories

Mateo was the first member of the vocal band. He had the vision. He had the chops. He wrote the songs. His rich baritone would become a thing of legend.

Mateo recruited Matías next for his deep bass. Alejandro was a tenor with good-looks that never hurt any band. Diego has a sunny disposition that charmed everyone. They called themselves Amarillo.

They practiced regularly until their harmonies where flawless. When they sang, their fans often swooned.

As their popularity grew, the group decided to do a huge outdoor concert. The band located a field large enough to accommodate their growing legion of followers. When the concert day arrived, the field was jammed with fans.

Bob and Sue Conrad were on their way to visit Sue’s sister. It had been four years, so they were due. As they drove down the road, Sue noticed a field full of sunflowers.

“Bob, look at those sunflowers. They look like they are watching something.”

“They do. That’s weird,” Bob said.

“Did you hear that?” Sue asked.


“I could have sworn I heard singing.”

“Maybe it was the sunflowers,” Bob said and grinned. “How much farther?”

“Five miles less than the last time you asked.”

Stock Photo Stories give you the real stories behind the photos. That I might have made up.

Across The Pond

Across The Pond

The Real Book

The Real Book